PatmanRacing Helpin' To Put the Fun Back In Off-Road Racin' !! |
We Here At Patman
Racing, are Dedicated to Keeping Off-Road Motorcycling As Fun As It Ever
Was !!
To that end, you guys should be seeing some Kewl Activity in the Patman A.O.
Of course This Site is New & under Construction ( as they say in web speak ), but I'm kinda into it now, so check back from time to time to see if I'm asleep or not !! |
What is Patman Racing ? An RMX this year of course !! ( er, never mind ) Anyway, Just what ta hell IS Patman Racing ? Well, nothing more than an informal club really. And not an extremely elite one either, cause as you'll see, you're probably just like us. We are a bunch of riders, that are determined to Race as HARD, and SAFELY, and POLITELY ...as possible. Yes, yes, naturally, we all strive for the gold ( er, plastic ) at the end of a race, but, not to the extent that any of the Patman Racers, would cut the track, run over a lady during practice, or jump a start...on purpose. ( Sadly, even the Pat-Man himself has rested under the black flag for...gettin' off in high spirits at a start...but that's history, let's not speak of it again. ) You wont see us speedin' in the pits, or roostin' the barrel workers. ( thanks ladies ), no drunk & disorderlies or drug users here. We Pack out our trash. All, within the limits of good healthy competition, of course! Which is to say...to our competition... YA GOT NUTHIN' ! !
Click to enlarge of course |
Here's a few of the Scooters you'll see with the much sought after Patman Racing Swingarm Sticker ! |